Great day with Enquire Learning Trust IT leaders exploring how we develop the skills of the teaching team to deliver the new computing curriculum. We have some great examples of emerging practice in a number of schools and passionate advocates who can see the huge potential as children rise to the challenge of learning to code. As one person said;the hardest thing is keeping up with them, they are so enthusiastic and pick it up so quickly. If the leaders can feel like that what does that mean for the followers? Can we expect all of our classroom practitioners to teach computer coding really well? Probably not, so how do,we move forward?
We had a fantastic conversation about building a team of advocates, teachers and other classroom professionals. Developing teaching teams who are supported by digital leaders, a group drawn from those learners who show a particular adeptness for computer coding. Learners with whom we can take their skills and competence to a completely different level and then use that as a key part of our capacity to deliver a great computing curriculum for every child.