CLPE (The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education) has been working with a number of schools across the country to develop the idea of becoming a Power of Reading Associate School. Rather this being a badge you acquire by ticking a number of boxes and going through a validation process the aspiration of the scheme is that
“Every Power of Reading Associate School will be teaching English through the CLPE teaching sequences with quality texts. English Leads will have developed a thorough understanding of how to implement the Power of Reading throughout their school as well as being able to demonstrate the impact on pupils’ engagement and achievement in language, reading and writing.”
The great news is that one of the 11 schools to be identified and badged as an Associate School is Harrow Gate Primary Academy. An affirmation the inspiring curriculum they have created and the fantastic progress their children make in Reading and Writing. And a great way to let the wider world know what a great place Harrow Gate is for children to learn.